Opening soon: Community grant opportunity to support and promote Healthy School Meals for All

Opening soon: Community grant opportunity to support and promote Healthy School Meals for All

September 21, 2023

The Blueprint brings people together to make sure Coloradans can easily get food where and when they need it. By supporting the Healthy School Meals for All program with a statewide marketing and outreach campaign, we're on a mission to transform the lives of Colorado public students and their families – one nourishing school meal at a time. 

To ensure every child has the right to access nutritious and delicious meals, we formed a steering committee of diverse community members and pledged $370,000 for community-based organizations to support and actively promote the new program locally.

The online application opens on Monday, September 25. Colorado-based organizations and coalitions are eligible and can apply for one of three levels of grants that range from $5,000 - $20,000 for roughly a year of activity. This includes those who are traditionally overlooked for funding. Organizations led by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) folks and/or non-staff community members directly affected by Healthy School Meals for All are encouraged to apply! 

Find out more about this upcoming grant opportunity.