Our Federal Agenda

Farm Bill

This sweeping package of legislation is usually passed once every five years — and it’s on the horizon for debate and hopeful passage in 2024. (Learn more about it, including the priorities of our partners, Hunger Free Colorado and Nourish Colorado.)

In July, more than 1,400 national, state, and community-based organizations, including the Blueprint, signed on to a letter urging Congress to reject $30 billion cuts to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) over 10 years and return to a bipartisan Farm Bill. Read the full letter and take action online through Hunger Free Colorado.

Proposed supermarket merger

The Blueprint and partners sent two letters to Colorado Attorney General Phil Wesier expressing collective opposition to the Kroger-Albertsons merger (June 2024 and August 2023).

We also signed on to the Union of Food and Commercial Workers’ letter opposing the proposed Kroger-Albertsons merger (August 2023).


More fruits, vegetables, and culturally relevant options are coming to WIC food packages, thanks to USDA’s final rule changes.

While the Special Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) received full funding in the 2024 federal budget, the House Appropriations Committee recently proposed Fiscal Year 2025 funding levels for WIC that fall short of the USDA's request to meet projected caseloads. This bill also would undercut recent updates to the WIC Food Package and raise program costs for states. Use our toolkit to contact your Senators and Representatives by phone. Also, take action online and use the social media toolkit from the National WIC Association.