Advocacy Leadership Academy 

The Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger is relaunching its interactive advocacy academy with a new name and new content!

The Advocacy Leadership Academy is designed for beginners in the policy space who are looking to gain the knowledge and skills to become advocacy leaders in their communities and are enthusiastic about community organizing and power-building

The Blueprint is accepting applications for the Fall 2024 cohort through Monday, September 23. The virtual academy takes place every Wednesday from October 16 - December 11, with sessions scheduled from 4 - 6 p.m. Participants will not be expected to commit more than 2 hours a week (16 hours total). 

What is the Academy?

The eight-week leadership development program provides collaborative and interactive learning sessions paired with action items, case studies, and other hands-on advocacy opportunities.

Session topics will range but not limited to: 

  • Understanding the different ways to advocate, 

  • Understanding the Colorado legislative process from bills to ballot initiatives, 

  • How to cut an issue, how to power-map an issue, and more! 

Participants will also have the opportunity to delve deeper into specific policy issues during supplemental and optional learning sessions hosted by Blueprint network partners. 

How Can I Participate?

The cohort will be limited to 12 participants to encourage intentional leadership development and an interactive learning environment. Participants will be selected based on how the academy’s offerings align with individual goals as well as their policy and advocacy aspirations.

Interested participants are encouraged to apply if you’re:

  • A community leader who is looking to gain more expertise and experience in policy and advocacy 

  • An advocate who would like to learn more about the fundamentals of community organizing to effectively build a winning campaign 

  • An individual who wants to become an advocate for a particular issue that’s directly impacting your community

*Please note the time commitment and intention of the academy before applying.

Participants will receive a certificate and a $100 stipend after completion, if they attend at least six (6) out of the eight (8) sessions to be eligible for the stipend. There is the option to flex the missed sessions by attending supplemental learning sessions. 

Applications for our Fall 2024 cohort are due Monday, September 23, at 5 p.m. MST. 

Have Other Questions?

If you’re not sure whether this is the right place for you or you want to learn more before applying, please send an email or schedule a 15-minute meeting with Dayana Leyva, Policy Manager.